The Zeiss story began in 1846, when they became a leading name in many different areas of precision optics and in 1912 Zeiss bought their vast optical experience to the ophthalmic lens market.
Zeiss are the main innovators in the world of ophthalmic lenses, as early as 1935 they were adding anti-reflective coatings to lenses and using freeform production in varifocal manufacture in 1983. Freeform is now the industry standard for varifocal lens manufacture, with many other companies not introducing this technology until the 2000's. In 2020 Zeiss introduced the Smartlife design and manufacturing process, bringing lenses up to date, for use with modern electronic and digital devices and blocking 100% of UV light through the entire range.
Zeiss are undoubtedly the world leaders in light refraction, which is bourne out by their use in operating microscopes and the Hubble telescope. Zeiss lenses have also been used in Hollywood film production, winning Oscars for Lord of the Rings, Avatar, Gravity and The Revenant. We've all seen the pictures of the first moon landing in 1969, again captured using Zeiss lenses.
Zeiss has helped to shape our history and is now shaping our future with ground breaking innovation. If you want the very best, then Zeiss is the only choice of lens for your new eyewear and Dray's Eyecare are proud to have been chosen as North Oxfordshire's Zeiss Lens Partner.

The most personalised progressive lens, available as Smartlife, tailored to your own physiology, activities, frame choice and prescription. Utilising Zeiss's own technology, IndividualFit™, ensuring rapid adaptation and the most natural vision possible. Individual lenses incorporate Luminance Design™ technology, for best vision at night as well as in daylight.
Designed with the human anatomy in mind, Smartlife or Precision Superb is designed around your eyes anatomy as well as facial characteristics. Smooth transitions of power throughout the lens, ensuring minimal distortions along with enhanced peripheral vision. FaceFit™ Technology is employed to enhance your 3D vision and spatial perception.
An important evolution in lens designs, Plus 2 is a well established varifocal lens. Although not having as large near and intermediate zones as the other Zeiss lenses, the design can be adapted to large and small frame types. Outstading clarity of vision through all zones, most suited to smaller reading prescriptions. Now available as Smartlife.
With a distance viewing zone 14% larger that standard varifocals and a mid distance zone for your dashboard and mirrors that is 43% wider, Drivesafe™  makes driving safer and more comfortable. Combined with a Duravision Drivesafe™  coating, which reduces perceived glare by 64%, Drivesafe™  is the Zeiss lens of choice for anyone on the road.

Energize me is a new concept in from Zeiss. The design of the lens is employed to relax your eyes and give comfortable vision at all distances. Energize me is available in single vision, digital and varifocal designs, giving everyone access to this new level of relaxed, smooth and natural vision. Also, particularly useful for contact lens wearers who occasionally wear spectacles.
A quantum leap in single vision lenses, the Zeiss Smartlife single vision is made using the latest digital freeform technology. Freeform digital manufacture provides sharper vision across the entire lens surface and a thinner and flatter lens appearance. Each Smartlife lens is bespokely made for you to achieve optimum performance, for todays electronic world.
If you're in your late 30's or early 40's and your Smartphone isn't as in focus as it once was, or if your eyes feel tired at the end of the day, then Zeiss Smartlife Digital could be the solution. With a wide distance viewing zone that gives your eyes a helping hand when you look at near objects, tired eyes could become a thing of the past. Easy adaptation and excellent clarity for todays digital world.
The Zeiss office lens portfolio uses the design principles of the progressive lenses offering Plus, Superb and Individual options. Available in 3 working distances for reading, workplace and room distance, there's a solution for every environment. Individual allows the lens to be customised to any working distance. Large, sharp fields of view are guaranteed in every zone.

A premium, highly robust and easy to clean coating which provides some of the best anti-reflection properties of any lens available. Long gone are the bright green reflexes of days gone by, giving way to a gentle, soft bluish hue. Nine layers on anti-reflection, densely packed, using ion-assisted deposition. Anti-static, oil and water repellent, the ultimate coating.
Zeiss's Duravision Blue Guard adds another dimension to the Duravision Platinum. If you have disturbed sleep patterns, through overuse of digital devices then this may be the lens treatment for you. Blocking some of the blue light emitted, sleeping issues may be lessened. We have also found that people with early cataracts benefit too, from the reduced glare.
As the name would suggest, this excellent coating from Zeiss, is dedicated to sunglasses. With hardcoat, water and oil repellent on the front surface, combined with Duravision Platinum on the back, producing the ultimate coating for sunglasses. Durable and combating annoying back surface reflection, giving clear relaxed vision even on the brightest days.
Imagine a lens coating that gives all the benefits of Zeiss's premium Duravision Platinum and has been proven to eliminate 99.9% of bacteria and viruses, that's what the Duravision Platinum Anti-Virus advanced lens coating can do. Good looking, tough, fully UV blocking, easy to clean, with amazing visual comfort and hygenic too.

Photofusion X is the newest generation of Zeiss photochromic or change in the sun lens. It is available in Grey, Brown, Pioneer (Green/Grey) and Blue. They work quickly, darkening in around 15-30 seconds and fade back to 70% clear in 5 minutes. Photofusion X are UV blocked and have blue light protection. Peformance is maintained for long-term use.
Polarised light reflections can lead to disturbing glare, this can be filtered with polarising lenses from Zeiss. Vertical micro mesh structures within the lens, eliminate horizontal oscillations of light which is the main cause of glare. Polarised lenses gives you more sharply focussed vision, clearer contours and more relaxed eyes. Available in contrast enhancing colours.
Fashion meets fun when it comes to Zeiss's range of lens colours. As well as regular brown and grey lenses, Zeiss can produce pretty much any colour you can think of, for your new eyewear. Zeiss also produce Skylet™ tints which are contrast enhancing, for specific situations. Mirrored coatings can also be produced in a range of colours, to finish your look.
Lenses can be made in a variety of lens materials all of which have different optical and cosmetic qualities. Thin and light lenses are generally made out of what is called high index materials, that in essence, bend more light in a shorter space. Lenses can also be made with flatter curves, called aspheric lenses, which also make lenses thinner in higher powers.
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